*The rules & faq's below apply to customers of ours only. If you're with another provider you may be paying different or higher rates
TSYS General Questions
- How do I contact TSYS?
- Phone Support for TransIT and Login URL
- Does TSYS have a contract?
- Does TSYS accept merchants outside the United States?
- Is there next day deposits?
- Is there a credit check?
- Can we take payments from customers outside the US?
- What are the criteria for opening a merchant credit card processing account for a non US citizen?
- As a merchant, how do I change my bank account information for my daily settlements, monthly fees, etc.?
- Does TSYS allow merchant processing for Tobacco, Vape or e cigarettes?
- How do I get PCI Compliant Support?
- Brick & Mortar Accounts (anything related to the card readers)
FiServe General Questions
Cayan General Questions
- How do PCI Compliance Charges work?
- Are there chargeback fees? If so what are they?
- Is there a monthly service fee and how much is it?
- ACH Return Fee
- Administrative Fee
- Merchant Club Fee
- Application Setup Fee
- Monthly Minimum
- ACH Change Fee
- Annual Fee
- Retrieval (Request for Copy) Fee
- What does Invalid Data Fee mean?
- Translink Monthly Fee
- AVP Non-swiped fee
- AXP Access fee
- AXP System Processing fee
- Fixed Acquirer Network Fee
- Fees for Access to Card Brand Services
- What does Interchange Fees Mean?
TSYS Login Portals
- eCommerce Accounts - TSYS
- Brick & Mortar Accounts (anything related to the card readers) - TSYS
- WebPass - TSYS